Hegowee 4WD Club, Adventures

The Cultivation of Life's Felicities

So Others May Share in its Euphoria

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The Hegowee 4WD Club was established in 1986 and has respected the term 'Tread Lightly' during it's long road to maturity.  We are involved in the community to help out when ever possible and to serve our 4 wheeling friends and neighbors as often as we can.  We have adopted two trails in the San Bernardino Forest of Southern California.  Trails 2N19ABC and 3N59A have been adopted and are maintained by our club so the public can continue to enjoy the many beautiful off road trails this forest has to offer.  We need dedicated individuals to join our membership so we can continue to maintain and keep our forest lands open for years to come.  Also we have provided many guided tours throughout the years.  The locations included in this summary are only a few of the trips provided by our club.  Contact us to schedule your favorite get away.   Dusy/Ershim, Red Lake, Coyote Lake, Lockwood Old and New, Miller Jeep Trail, Monache Meadows, Butte Valley, Death Valley, Panamints, Santiago Canyon, Drinkwater Flats, Rowher Flats, Mojave Road, Saline Valley, Snow Treks, Big Bear adventures, Eel River, Six Rivers, Moab, Truckhaven, Anza Borrego, and many more.  Three of the areas, which are discussed in their individual page, have been closed by environmental agencies or organizations that want to take your rights away.  So it is extremely important to have a strong and committed group or club to forge ahead to keep our lands open and free.  There are several clubs out there and it is up to you to choose the right one for you're needs.  Do you have a Hummer and want to get acquainted with other Hummer owners?  Check out this Hummer training page.  Also we are committed to helping other clubs and specialty groups.  One of these groups of unique individuals are the various owners of the Mercedes Benz 'Unimog'.  View our new membership club cards here.  If you have suggestions of where you would like to travel just drop us a line.

Join the Hegowee 4WD Club today by signing into our guestbook.

Contact us

home     your future     adventures     2N19     3N59A     big bear     butte valley    coyote lake

death valley   drinkwater flats   calico   dusy ershim   new lockwood creek   old lockwood creek

miller jeep trail      mojave road     monache meadows     panamints     red lake     saline valley

 old santiago canyon     links     hummer training 1     unimogs     january rains 2005     idaho home

Friday, January 02, 2015

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